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Operating Systems
[ 1 Answers ]
Noticed on here you have similar situations & I had Windows ME on my computer & it kept having issues so I was going to install Windows 2000... went to do this & it should have got rid of Windows ME but didn't & now I have 2 operating systems on my computer & I can't get them off to reinstall back...
2 operating systems
[ 8 Answers ]
I took my computer to get fixed and when I got it back it said I have 2 operating systems on here how do I take one off without losing any of my stuff??
2 operating systems
[ 3 Answers ]
I have windows 2000, then I installed xp and now have both os when I start up.How do I uninstall 2000? I've read some posts and am not clear on what u mean by formatting. I'm not very experience and need help. Thank you .
2 operating systems
[ 5 Answers ]
Hello, I installed XP pro rather than upgrading home. Now I have 2 OS on my PC. Obviously I'd like to simply be running pro and not home. I'd like to get all my settings from home to pro and get rid of home. Can I do this, or should I just uninstall pro and try and upgrade again. Thanks,...
I have 2 operating systems? HELP!
[ 1 Answers ]
I reinstalled my windows xp professional. When the computer boots, it asks me which operating system to start from? I always pick the first one because it is the reinstalled xp. How can I get rid of it asking me that questions? This happened to me before but I forget how to do it. View more questions Search