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Why no links for bold, italics, underline etc. In Firefox
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Clicking on the Plain text or Rich formatting links above the email writing area and below the subject area does not allow the row of fonts, colors etc. to appear in Firefox, Gmail when you click on the rich formatting or plain text links, but it does show in Internet Explorer's gmail. It shows in...
Tell me a way to be bold
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Am a 25 years girl.. am a engineering graduate... my proablem is am a physically handicap girl... I don't have the feel that am a handicap in my school days. When I entered into my college life my surroundings make to me to feel am a handicap. I have lot of friends but no one is dearest to me.....
No Bold
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It sucks when I am so bored I sit here and refresh the 'answer' page hoping to see new questions in bold.. meaning ones I have not read yet, or have new responses. Sooo I decided to start a new thread, see who I an get to converse... what topic shall I choose? How about age... At what...
How to be bold
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I am feeling lonely.I don't know why I can't talk in public.I can't make eye contact even with my friends why?I'm going to college soon my physique and look is very young so I am worried that will my big fellow will accept me. Give me tips to get bold in public. View more questions Search