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    teachermom's Avatar
    teachermom Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 20, 2007, 07:18 PM
    Probate Law: How do I sell a car whose title still has my deceased husband's name?
    Hi. My father died in December rather unexpectedly. He and my mom lived in Louisiana (Napoleanic code, etc.), and my mom wants to sell their two old cars to get a newer model. However, my dad's name is on the titles of the two cars, not my mom's. How does she go about removing his name from the titles (or inserting hers) such that she can sell the old cars and get a new one? (The only family in question consists of me and my sister, and both of us are supportive of her desire to sell the old and buy a new.)

    chippers's Avatar
    chippers Posts: 440, Reputation: 88
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    Jan 20, 2007, 07:24 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by teachermom
    Hi. My father died in December rather unexpectedly. He and my mom lived in Louisiana (Napoleanic code, etc.), and my mom wants to sell their two old cars to get a newer model. However, my dad's name is on the titles of the two cars, not my mom's. How does she go about removing his name from the titles (or inserting hers) such that she can sell the old cars and get a new one? (The only family in question consists of me and my sister, and both of us are supportive of her desire to sell the old and buy a new.)

    Take the titles and his death certificate to dmv. They can direct you from there.
    cmbzurz's Avatar
    cmbzurz Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 27, 2009, 08:06 AM

    "take the titles and his death certificate to dmv. they can direct you from there."
    I agree, LA is a community property state (She owns the cars as much as he). As long as they were still married at his death, it should not be a problem.

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