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Passport for convicted felon
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Can a convicted felon get a passport?
Convicted felon adoption?
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Hi, my aunt and uncle are looking to do a private adoption they have found a person (someone they know) that is going to have a baby and wants to adopt this child out because of medical issues. My question is... my uncle is a convicted felon about 10 or more years ago. All I remember about what...
Convicted Felon
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Hello All I have a federal felony for Bank Fraud. I'm currentlty on probatin and It will end December 2008. So my felony will be on my record once my probation is over. Now I'm engaged and my Fiance' is enlisted in the United States Air Force. His orders will send him oversea's More than likely to...
I am a convicted felon
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I live in the state of California so if anyone can help me please or give me any advive I would appriecate it very much. I am a recovering addict. I have almost five years clean. When I was using, I was a totally different person and went a little crazy, stupid crazy. Anyway, I was convicted of...
Convicted Felon
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I'm a convicted felon. I would like to marry my boyfriend that is not a native or a resident of the united States. Is there a waiting period for me to file for his residency? View more questions Search