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Can a law firm collect on a judgement if I am already paying on another judgement
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I have a judgement with Citibank that I am curently making payments on. Capital One just obtained a judgement against me. I have a wage hearing with the judge in a few weeks. Can Capital one collect on this judgement since I am already paying on one already?
What is a judgement
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I lost my job 2 years ago and was unable to pay my credit card bill. The card had a limit of only $350.00, but now they have a judgement against me in the amount of over $1200. I am 64 years old and my only income is from Social Security. Can the credit card company seize my bank account?
Judgement by default, now trying to enforce judgement
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Received a judgement by default... by cavalry portfolio... a debt collector service. Now they had a sheriff show up at my home due to a levy, and theyb assessed my assests. Can they do that?
Unaware of default judgement /cause of judgement
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A few days ago, my husband was called by a collection agency informing him of a default judgement of over $8,000 which he had no prior knowledge of. The default judgement was 12/2005. He was told that it was for a credit card he had in 1996. He sincerely believes that he was the victim of identity...
Texas - CC Judgement Can They Put Judgement Against Husband's Property only his name
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Have been sent a summons and contacted attorney. While discussing lump sum settlement they hung up and said they would see me in court. I have tried to call back with no response. Can the judgement in court be put against property that is only in my husbands name? View more questions Search