Full Member
Jan 7, 2019, 06:07 PM
A guy hit my car
A guy hit my car and there is damage. He backed into me. I asked for his insurance card and he said that he will deal with it and so I kept asking and he said that he is in a hurry and left his card in his office. I asked if he could give me his number and he gave me his business card. I totally forgot to write down his license plate number and forgot to take pics of his car too. Can I still file a report even though I don't have that info? All I have is his business card, number, and know where he works. Is that enough to file a report. I should have called the cops right away but I was not even thinking about it I was just thinking about my car and the damage. I was also panicing too.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Jan 7, 2019, 06:36 PM
What auto insurance does he have? Call your own agent (with which company?) and give him whatever information you have. He'll call an adjuster who will set up a file and fill in the missing pieces plus call you for your take on what happened.
Full Member
Jan 7, 2019, 07:13 PM
I tried to get his insurance but he just said that he would deal with it. I kept asking him but I know where he works and I can stop in their and talk to him if he's their. He gave me his business card too. I should have called the cops right then and there but I wasn't thinking I was so nervous.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Jan 7, 2019, 08:01 PM
No. Stay out of it. Do you have auto insurance?
Full Member
Jan 7, 2019, 09:00 PM
Yes I do but my deductible is probably going to be high
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Jan 7, 2019, 09:05 PM
He hit you, right. Don't you have an insurance card that lists your coverage?
Jan 7, 2019, 10:41 PM
Call your insurance company and report the accident. Give them the guy’s information on his business card and let them handle it.
Jan 8, 2019, 12:42 PM
Call and report it, to police and to your insurance.
Obviously he is going to lie and say it did not happen, since he refused to give you his full information. And you did not take photos of him, his car, his plate and so on.
So honestly, don't except anything from the other person, that should have been obvious when they started refusing to give required information.
Full Member
Jan 8, 2019, 08:25 PM
He got back to me today and gave me his insurance card but he said he wants to get an appraisal before he goes through his insurance. I got pictures of his car today and there was no damage on his car. Should I call my insurance and put a claim in or should I wait till I get an appraisal? He told me to drop off the appraisal at his office.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Jan 9, 2019, 09:57 AM
Report this to your insurance company. This is why you pay for auto insurance!
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