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Family member eviction
[ 1 Answers ]
My mom wants to evict my brother from her home. He has never paid rent been there for about 10 years. How should she do it.
Family member eviction
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Two and a half years ago, my son and his family entered into a verbal agreement with me. They would move into my home, pay the utilities, and save their money to re-mortgage/finance the house after two years so I could purchase a condo. About a year and a half ago, my son approached me concerning...
Eviction of a family member from a single family home
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My brother who is about 37 years old lives with my father, sister and myself; my brother is an alcoholic and a drug addict and is verbally abusive to my father who is 71 years old and is also disabled. My father wants him to move out of the house; is there a specific amount of time, by law, that...
Family member eviction
[ 5 Answers ]
I am in the state of Coonecticut, my daughter is out of control, how do I go about evicting her and what are my rights?
Eviction of a family member
[ 3 Answers ]
My sister has her granddaughter living in her home rent free. She has three children and wants all of them to vacant her home. Since she is not paying rent, she cannot be legally evicted. What other course of action can she take. View more questions Search