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    BrenMurphy's Avatar
    BrenMurphy Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Oct 17, 2022, 06:54 AM
    Does anyone know of any other options that are viable?
    This is a double doozie. My father was hit by a pickup truck while on his motorcycle. He had numerous surgeries to put him back together and to try to save his life. Unfortunately, he died, and the hospital now claims that they do not accept his insurance, and they placed a medical lien against his estate, and his will and disbursements are stuck in probate. The 2nd part is that the attorney for the estate just found out that there is a judgment in Minnesota against my father’s name for a credit card that he never had, and never lived in Minnesota. The attorney said that it is past the point of appealing it and it cannot be set aside because my father cannot testify. The credit card judgment is for almost $60k. My attorney said that it is unlikely that these liens can be reduced by more than 25 or 30 percent. Does anyone know of any other options that are viable?

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