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I have something in the credit bureau from 2003 now they want me to pay
[ 8 Answers ]
I received notice today that I owe $2400. From 2003/2004 I made a payment on this (last one) in May of 2004 for $200. Now they credit bureau is demanding paymnet on this account that has already gone to court( back in 2003) and they received judgement against me(they are threatening to garnish my...
Credit Bureau
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Needing update information not sure if this question I searched is current? What credit bureaus use equifax for credit cards, for unsecured credit cards, and loans for autot? And what for Trans Union?? Experian etc... thanks if anyone can help
Knowing which credit bureau is being checked when you apply for credit/Credit Cards
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Which credit cards use only the trans union credit report for their cc applications? this knowledge may help me save part of my universe>:D
Credit bureau
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I notice on my credit reports banks that have sent me credit cards That I have sent back. Appears as active account. Should that be corrected. I have paid off credit card account and closed them out. The Bureau has them marked as closed. Yet others are marked paid and closed Should this be...
Credit bureau monitoring
[ 1 Answers ]
There is none to my knowledge. If you give me your state, I can tell you which bureau is focused on. In CO, its Experian. In my, it is TransUnion. The best I have seen is the ID Theft Shield. I have never seen a comprehensive program that covers a WHOLE HOUSEHOLD for $9.95 a month... View more questions Search