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Convicted of a B&E at age 17
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi, I am in NC and my grandson has had a about with law. He was convicted of a B&E at age 17 which he got probation for. Being with the wrong crowd he was convicted again for procession of a fire arm by felon an ankle monitor was placed for 90 days and 44 months probation. Which violated his...
I'm a convicted felon and my fiancée can't be around convicted felons?
[ 10 Answers ]
I'm a convicted felon(nothing violent or sexual or drug related)However I have met someone who I am emotionally involved with who got into some recent trouble and is now also a convicted felon on probation. One of the conditions is she is not supposed to be around any other convicted felons or it...
Can a convicted felon become a notary in ga if convicted in La
[ 1 Answers ]
I am a legal secretary in Georgia and it appears that my boss is going to ask me to go get my notary public. I have a felony conviction of "Forgery" in Louisiana. Will I be allowed to obtain the notary?
Convicted felon marrying another convicted felon
[ 2 Answers ]
Can a convicted felon marry another convicted felon? One is still in prison the other is no longer under supervised release. Both are federal cases. View more questions Search