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Court ordered alcohol testing two kinds she ordered a binge test
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My husband an j ARE GOING THROUGH A DIVORCE.hE is fs fighting me for full custody today he told the mediator I drank 20 beers every other day.She said she would order a binge alcohol hair test.I have drank three times in ninety days.Can you explain this test and the results?
Can someone force a court ordered dna test on a couple and child with no hard proof?
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I had a relationship with a girl and she fell pregnant I was led to believe it was mine until she was 33 weeks pregnant and decided to kick me out for no reason? She stopped all contact and I haven't been able to see the baby at all she is with another guy now and his name is on the birth...
Can I get a court ordered dna test?
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There's this girl claiming she's pregnant and my husbands the father of the child. I want to know if he can get a court ordered DNA test because I don't think the girl will do it freely?
Court Ordered DNA test
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My Father Died and his name isn't on my birth certificate and my sister wants nothing to do with me. Can I get a court order DNA test with my sister to prove he was my father and were related.
Court Order DNA test for paternity of adult child
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I am an adult child. Born in wedlock but my father was not my mother's husband. My biological father lives in another part of town and will not take a DNA test. Can I proceed in court to get a court order to make him do so? Which court? Family or Civil (Equity case?) Is there any PA law on... View more questions Search