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Laws for salaried employees
[ 5 Answers ]
I am a new salaried employee and not quite sure if my employer is allowed to do this. Recently my company had a shut down for the holidays. All hourly employees were told they would need to take a vacation day or personal/sick day in order to be paid for the days not covered by holiday pay....
Salaried Employees In Arizona
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If you are a salaried employee and you leave for a dr appt for 3 hours and work 5 hours can they dock you for the 3 hours you were gone?
Paying Salaried Employees
[ 4 Answers ]
When paying Salaried Employees if they normally work Mon through Fri and no weekends, when you pay them for just a day of work do you divide it by the 30 or 31 days or 20 days?
Deductions from salaried employees
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If a salaried employee doesn't work a complete shift, can the employer deduct wages from her in the state of Maryland?
Salaried employees
[ 2 Answers ]
Is it legal for a salaried employee to take unpaid time off? View more questions Search