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Husky powerwasher 1750
[ 13 Answers ]
I have a Husky powerwasher 1750 and when I try to use it, water quirts out of the wand... do I just need to replace the wand and the hose? I am mechanically challenged.
Husky 1750 powerwasher
[ 1 Answers ]
Have a husky power washer that has little pressure. Tried different wands so that's not it.
Husky 1750 Power Washer has low HI Pressure.
[ 3 Answers ]
This washer was working fine, then the Hi pressure was not as high as it was earlier in the day. Low pressure works fine, detergent draws fine and hi pressure kicks in but much lower than normal. Removed and cleaned all hoses and water screen. No clogs I could see. Owners manual mentions a by-pass... View more questions Search