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How to take flywheel off briggs and stratton 18.5 intek
[ 2 Answers ]
The key way has sheared and its stuck together so how do I pull the flywheel off so I can change it
Have a 18.5hp briggs ohv keeps popping and sheering flywheel key need to know why
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Can someone tell me why or what would cause the fly wheel key to keep sheering off and why engine keeps popping and want start
Briggs 12.5 hp flywheel removal
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I have a Bunton com. Stand behind mower that will not fire. The flywheel side looks rusty and want to take it off to brush the rust off. How do you hold the flywheel so you can loosen the crank bolt? If anyone knows of a beter way to take care of this please let me know. Thanks, Rob
Briggs & Stratton 14.5hp Flywheel ring
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Today we put on a new flywheel ring gear and a new starter pinion gear. The new flywheel ring is aluminum instead of the plastic that was on it. I was told this was due to the starter gear being easier to replace it will be the first to be worn down. We tried starting the tractor and the starter... View more questions Search