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Heavy metal poisoning from copper!
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I had an IUD made of copper for 7.5 years that I just made my doctor remove. They kept telling me my IUD wasn't a problem, but I still have a uteran cyst + my psychological well-being was changed so drastically that I became suicidal every month just prior to my period & my periods were so heavy...
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Can all you install a deadbolt in all metal doors. Or are there some with foam core construction that you should not attempt installing a deadbolt. If it is possible on a metal with foam core residential door (1987 construction) Do the screws that hold the deadbolt to the edge of the door...
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My Altima sounds like metal is scraping metal when I go in reverse and turn left.
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I have a 1994 Nissan Altima GXE. I had some brake work and front wheel work done around Christmas time. The control leg, an axle, and some other small things were replaces, along with the entire brake system. However, when I turn left or go in reverse, I hear this shrill, metal on metal sound that... View more questions Search