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Cat has limp ears
[ 2 Answers ]
Recently, our 1 year old cat's ears have become limp near the ends. She seems to be in good health otherwise, but they have been this way for a couple days and we cannot figure out what it could be. No changes in her diet recently and she lives indoors, but likes to run around in the outdoors...
German Shepherd Ears
[ 7 Answers ]
Hello, we have an 8 month old female GSD. Unlike most GSD's her age, her ears are not pointing straight up. Sometimes when someone knocks on the door or when she is listening one ear will pop up straight, but most of the time they are halfway up, with the tip flopping down. Is there anything we can...
Cat ears
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Why might my kitten has scabs all over her ears?:confused:
My daschund's ears
[ 2 Answers ]
I have a 3 month old daschund puppy and in the last couple of weeks instead of his ears laying flat to the head they seem to be more wrinkled and bunching at the side of his head. Is this a normal part of his growth and something he will grow out of? When his ears at held flat they appear to be... View more questions Search