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    manojrpillai28's Avatar
    manojrpillai28 Posts: 15, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 13, 2009, 03:19 AM
    Recovering data from faulty USB
    My USB Pen drive is damaged. Now the device is not detected by the computer. Is there any way to recover the data from the USB ?
    InfoJunkie4Life's Avatar
    InfoJunkie4Life Posts: 1,409, Reputation: 81
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    Dec 14, 2009, 07:30 AM

    SoftPerfect File Recovery - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET

    GrantHillsSA's Avatar
    GrantHillsSA Posts: 405, Reputation: 9
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    Dec 30, 2009, 11:27 AM

    Maybe, what do you mean when you say not detected?
    Unplug the device.
    Click start Run or (Win Key + R)
    Type: compmgmt.msc
    Scroll to Storage the Disk Management.

    Now keep an eye on the right pane where your drives apear.
    Plug in the device and check if appears there.

    If it does then your in luck.

    Format the drive and mount it. Do a quick format only. This way your data will still be there.

    Download GETDATABACKFAT. Google it.

    Scan the drive and recover. Be sure not to recover the files to your PC hard drives first then back to the flash drive.

    Hope this helps..

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