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    kmeyers's Avatar
    kmeyers Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 21, 2007, 08:28 AM
    Computer doesn't recognize devices
    I have a compaq presario 2100 with windows xp. I tried plugging my mp3 player into it and a lexar jump drive and the computer won't recognize either device. It gives me a message that the devices could perform faster if plugged into a 2.0 port. I bought a belkin 2.0 4 port hub and plugged that into the computer, it came with no software to install or anything. The hub still won't recognize the devices and still gives me the same message. Any suggestions?
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
    Computer Expert and Renaissance Man

    Dec 21, 2007, 08:41 AM
    A hub doesn't convert protocols. Plugging a 2.0 hub into a 1.1 port still leaves you with 1.1 ports. And apparently the MP3 playerand flashdrive need 2.0 ports. So you have to get a peripheral card to plug into the motherboard that supports 2.0.
    kmeyers's Avatar
    kmeyers Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 21, 2007, 08:49 AM
    Do you have any suggestions for a card to purchase? I am not very computer savy.
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
    Computer Expert and Renaissance Man

    Dec 21, 2007, 08:55 AM
    Any PCI card would do. They are not expensive (under $25).

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