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    linnealand's Avatar
    linnealand Posts: 1,088, Reputation: 216
    Ultra Member

    Nov 16, 2008, 09:16 PM
    Buying a New Laptop: Europe or USA? PC or MAC?
    The time has come! I have to get a new laptop.

    I have two questions I'm hoping you can help me to answer.

    1) windows or mac? I've always used windows. Most people use windows. All of my programs and whatever else is on my (almost completely dead) windows PC. But mac people swear by their macs. They seem to love them, and they hate the PC. I work in furniture and lighting design, but I'm not good at doing things with computer graphics. Maybe it would be easier to learn with a mac? By the way, everything I learn, I have to teach myself.

    Would it be really complicated to switch everything I have to a mac? Would I lose all of my programs? If you think I should stick with a regular PC, what are your recommendations in terms of brands, models, etc. If I were to get a mac, what would you recommend I get?

    I would be looking for something mid-range in terms of price.

    2) i need to figure out the best way to buy this computer. I am american, but I'm living in italy. I will not be going to the states before I purchase this computer. It seems that computers are more expensive in italy. They're also a little different (like the keyboards are different).

    I'm assuming that the newest computers come out in the states first. I think they're also cheaper there. The last time I bought a laptop in the states, I had to pay a big chunk of extra money so that my guarantee would cover my international status. Also, if I bought a computer from the states, I would have to have it shipped over here by mail. I'm trying to get a computer as quickly as possible because, like I said earlier, the one I have is practically dead and I live and work off the computer.

    If you have any idea if one method would be better than the other, I would really, really appreciate your advice.

    Also, what would the best company be for buying a good computer at the best price? If they are in the states, do they ship internationally? Otherwise, do you know of a great computer company in Europe (maybe other than in the UK because the pound is sooo strong, even compared to the Euro)?

    Thank you sooo much for your help! I urgently need it, and I really, really appreciate it!
    kp2171's Avatar
    kp2171 Posts: 5,318, Reputation: 1612
    Uber Member

    Nov 17, 2008, 09:56 PM
    Hi you.

    This isn't my area. You might want to PM scottgem if you get no hits here. If anything, my post will bump your thread up in the new posts list.

    Here's an article I just read about affordable laptops. Most of them might require memory upgrades and I don't know the software bundles that come with them. But here is the link.

    Cheap Notebook Computers - 5 Daily Deals

    I had exclusively macs when teaching at university and they were fine. I don't fall into either pack of rabid users who damn the other side.

    I will be diligently praying that you stay connected to this site. It's a better internet with you in it darlin'.

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