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Selling entire contents of home
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I am selling my home and the the next couple of months! Any suggestions and good directions....and no I am not afraid of getting rid of my belongings. However the contents, furniture, wall hangings, linens and womens clothing, shoes, boots and purses...aren't junk! I have yard...
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I am a dual citizen - US and Russia, my permanent residency is in US and I pay US taxes. However, I have a flat in Russia which I am considering to sell. I am aware of Russian tax law, but not sure how profits from this transaction would be processed in US. Do I pay any taxes in the US (I owned...
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I am the executor for my mothers estate. The estate is very small and the will was filed as a small estate. The property is located in Illinois. My question is this: The property is a very small house in a neighborhood that has changed to more of a commercial area. It is not a desirable place to... View more questions Search