New Member
Jan 10, 2019, 05:49 PM
Me and my sister small problem
So to sum up everything I have a foot fetish today I was studying and my sister was playing in here phone then I saw here putting her feet near the heater and she started to make a footplay she just move her feet and do some stuff like that and I didn't even focus on my study I was looking at her feet all time. Problem is I have tried to tell her before that if she can let me touch her feet or do what foot fetish guys do but she told me no . Well I understand she is my sister I understand that this type of things cannot be done with my sister but I need her just to give me her feet at least 5 min a day just to make me chill out and not to be focusing on her feet all the time . All I want is an advice from someone that can help me with this thing I want to touch her feet without making her angry or seeing me like a wierdo
Thanks for any answer in advance.
Jan 10, 2019, 07:19 PM
How old are you and your sister? Sorry to say your fixation is inappropriate and unwanted! Take NO for a final answer and if you give me your ages, maybe we can come up with the right age appropriate suggestion, besides get some help from a trusted adult. I doubt you would speak with an adult about such a delicate matter, but for sure there is no way you could approach your sister again nor should you ever, with such a request. That's beyond weird, it's kind of SICK! Leave the room if you cannot control yourself.
How old are you both?
New Member
Jan 10, 2019, 09:14 PM
Thanks for advice am 17 she is 16 really that's the best advice I have ever had thank you man I wouldn't say anything after you have said
Jan 10, 2019, 10:56 PM
You are in need of some serious help. You have an incredibly sick mind if you even think this is appropriate with your sister.
Jan 11, 2019, 10:38 AM
There is nothing wrong with different fetishes, foot is a common one, but having those ideas with or for your sister, is where it gets seriously wrong and yes, at that point you need to get help. (professional)
Pets Expert
Feb 17, 2019, 06:06 PM
Different people have different fetishes, and if they find a like minded partner, or someone that tolerates their fetish, that's fine. What's not OK is expecting your sister to let you touch her feet because you have a fetish, and expecting her not to complain about it because it helps relax you.
Let's turn the tables a bit. If you had a fetish for younger women, do you think it would be OK to ask your younger sister to have sex with you, just to help you relax and concentrate? See how wrong that is? Well your scenario is just as wrong.
Women were not put on this Earth to make your life more enjoyable. They're not objects to be used by you so that you can be happy. Sister or not, when a woman says no, it's no. End of story.
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