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Finding family in china
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I am looking for any family information of lost family members in china. Toy Sang Yee born in 1921 Canton, China married Lee Shee Yee from Chongking, China had a son named Woy Joy Yee born in 1938. Any information on any these family members would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I need help finding my biological family (Karolyi)
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I have been searching for 20yrs off and on for my biological siblings/mother. I was born in calgary canada. I received non-identifying info in my adoption file so I know my siblings names as well as my bio moms name and including her maiden name. I have gone on message boards, registered with post...
Finding family
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Hi. I am trying to help my boyfriend look for any relative related to his birth parents. He was taken away at birth and is now 34. He has tried for over ten year's to locate anyone. We have enough information to where it should be easy however, we keep hitting a wall. We have names. Old addresses....
Finding my father/family.
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How do I find my father/family from a photograph.What I know is am a warbabe born in 1946 in U.K.I have this photo from my mothers possessions,she told one person that it is a photo of my father.What I have found out and from the info on the back of photo is,he was in Palestine as an Observer in...
Finding family
[ 1 Answers ]
I have been wanting to find my fathers side of the family for a couple of years now. Every time I ask him about my brothers, sisters, nieces etc he changes the subject. I spoke to my mum about this & she said he didn't want me to know about them. I don't understand why. I have found out a couple of... View more questions Search