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Dodo bird
[ 1 Answers ]
What is the movie about a father who tells his daughter bedtime stories about her dodo bird.
"I Spy" type kids book about the Dodo Bird and Mauritius
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Does anyone know of a children's book that was a 'search and find' book, maybe from Discovery Toys or something like it... but it had clues and items you had to look for in pictures, and the clues were about the Dodo Bird and the island of Mauritius? Please help, I loved this book as a kid and want...
Children's movie about a dodo bird
[ 1 Answers ]
Hello Everyone, I am trying to remember what the a movie is called. It is about a father who is a struggling writer. He is divorced from his wife and his daughter is staying with him for afew weeks. She brings her toy stuffed dodo bird. Every night the father tells her a bedtime story about her...
Children's book about a dodo bird babysitter and soda pop faucets
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Hi guys: I've been hunting for a children's book that I read in 4th grade or so, which would have been about 1978. It was most surely written long before that, maybe in the 60's since the copy I had was yellowing. It's an obscure book, can't remember the title, but it is about a group of...
No one will believe me. Trying to remember 80's/90's kids movie with a dodo bird.
[ 4 Answers ]
It is killing me that I can not remember an old kids movie I saw about 17 years ago. I remember the movie almost as if it was yesterday, but no one believes me that I actually did see it (especially since the movie is very weird and sounds like a dream). The movie had 2 parts to it. A real... View more questions Search
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