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Hello: I don't drink coffee. It has caffeine in it. I am opposed to drug use. I work in a coffee shop. Should I be able to refuse to serve coffee to my customers on moral grounds? excon
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Is it true that coffee is fatteing? A friend of mine says that coffee is not fatteing itself but it slows down metabolism and therefore makes u fat. She reckons tea is the opposite (ie. Speeds up metabolism). My other question is this: I don't like the taste of plain milk so I usually put some...
Sharing grounds between circuits.
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My basic problem is that when I roughed in the wiring for the circuit that powers my smoke detectors, somehow I managed to use 14/2 between two of the boxes. Everything else was on 14/3 so I could inter-connect the alarms. Now, the last two aren't connected. So, I thought, why not use the ground...
Neutrals and Grounds in service panel
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I'm wiring everything for my basement in the panel. There are plenty of open spots left. When I look at the existing wiring (for the rest of the house), all the grounds go to the block on the left and all the neutrals go to the block on the right? 1. Is this required? 2. Why or why not? ...
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Hello, I have this question. Is drinking 4 cups of coffee daily bad for your sex. View more questions Search