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    leostar85wi's Avatar
    leostar85wi Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Mar 17, 2005, 05:03 PM
    Has it been too long?
    I'm 19 years old and I dropped out of school in the 9th grade. I was currently 17 then because I was behind. How can I get all of it back by going back to school? Do you think it's too late?
    labman's Avatar
    labman Posts: 10,580, Reputation: 551
    Uber Member

    Mar 17, 2005, 09:06 PM
    NO, absolutely not! Easy? NO, absolutely not! Possible? Yes. Done by others? Yes. For a while I was teaching math in a community college. Many of my students had dropped out of high school. Some of them were 40, working crummy jobs, and caring for children. The one course started with addition and subtraction. It was a real struggle for many of them. Learning math at any time and any level takes time and work. There are better jobs out there if you pick up your GED and maybe an associate degree. Go for it. It will be that much tougher in 10 years.
    Dr_Calculus's Avatar
    Dr_Calculus Posts: 35, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Mar 25, 2005, 09:20 PM
    No way!
    I can't say that I've been in your position because I'm still a high school student. However, I know that you should never, ever admit defeat. I take calculus, and EVERY time I hit a bump, there is NO way that I would give in and run off to ask for help. I look for virtually EVERY way I can to find a way out. Sometimes it takes forever, but it is a very satisfying and rewarding procedure. If you have the urge to go back to school, 19 isn't too late. After all, it's a start. See, you have to WANT to go to school and do well in order to actually do it. It doesn't matter how much your parent/guardian(s) push you, for you must push yourself in the very end.

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