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Apr 6, 2019, 01:00 PM
College question
Hello everyone so I'm having difficulties making a decision. I'm a senior in college and recently my program extended my major so I would have to take 21 course electives and another 8 senior experience classes. I was almost done with my degree and now the only way to finish is taking another 3 years of college or get a minor in what I want to do and major in something else. I have already been in college for awhile now. Should I transfer schools or just be done with college. By the time I'm done I'll probably be $50,000 in debt. I already have 120 credits so I can transfer to another school but I don't want to be in debt the rest of my life. Then I feel like I already put so much time into college and I should just complete it. Does anyone have any advice? I'm working towards my bachelor's degree and I do have an associate's degree. I just don't know what to do now.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 6, 2019, 01:53 PM
Is this an online college or a bricks-and-mortar one? If it's the latter, I'd be screaming at the administration.
Full Member
Apr 6, 2019, 02:29 PM
Yeah I'm pissed, but there is nothing I can really do about it. They said it has always been there when I switched majors two years ago and I never saw it on my degree requirements. I just recently saw it a month ago and I was like are you kidding me. So now I'm screwed and then I got a scam in the mail apparently about graduating. I dropped my classes this semester because I thought I didn't need them because I got a graduation invitation. Now I'm screwed and my parents always wanted me to finish college and I don't know how to tell them that I'm not going to finish now. They aren't very understanding and they think that going to college will get you somewhere. I hear a ton of people who graduate and don't even get the job they want. I feel like I wasted so much money and time. I just feel like getting a certificate instead of finishing my bachelor's degree. When I first started school I wanted to be a vet tech, but my parents were like no it's too expensive. Then I had to find something else to do so I picked culinary and the school I wanted to go to they said no because the same reason. Then of course had to find something else to do. So I've been taking random courses to try and figure something out. Took me four years to get my associates degree. I was depressed because I wasn't happy and my parents were not understanding at all. I should have told them that maybe if I didn't have to give up my dreams I would actually be somewhere by now and I should have told them no this is what I'm doing because I'm paying for it. They don't pay for my schooling so I should have told them no I'm going to do what I love. I just didn't want to upset them and have them be disappointed. Now I've been at a university for 2 years and now I got to take another 2 to 3 years. It's ridiculous I've been in school for 6 years and now I have to take another 2 to 3 years. I'm just done with school in general.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 6, 2019, 03:04 PM
What's your major?
What do you really really really want to do as a job or even a career?
Full Member
Apr 6, 2019, 03:05 PM
Event management
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 6, 2019, 03:09 PM
 Originally Posted by superstar18
Event management
That's your major? Also, what you want to do in life? If so, tell me what that involves.
Full Member
Apr 6, 2019, 03:12 PM
Yes I want to be a wedding planner
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 6, 2019, 04:31 PM
 Originally Posted by superstar18
Yes I want to be a wedding planner
And you haven't finished the coursework for that yet? What on earth do you still need coursework for?
Is there a job you can do now that involves helping an established planner? Work, earn money, and take one or two courses at a time.
Certainly you don't have to take ALL 21 electives. Electives are just what they say they are, not requirements. Please talk to a guidance counselor about all this. Methinks you are confused.
Full Member
Apr 6, 2019, 04:48 PM
The 21 elective courses are required apparently. I already have 120 credits and still got to finish the degree requirements which the 21 electives are apart of that. I did talk to a counselor and all she said was I can apply for an idp or get a minor in what I'm studying and major in something else. Which would probably take longer. I'm just thinking about getting a certificate and I can do an internship somewhere. If I take one or two classes at a time I won't be able to get financial aid it would be out of pocket which I can't afford.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 6, 2019, 04:53 PM
Are you SURE you have to take all 21 electives? Elective courses in my bachelor's and master's programs were a list of courses on all sorts of related-to-my-major subjects. I had to take only enough to finalize the total degree requirements. I didn't take all of them.
One of my master's was in counseling, so I chose an MBA elective that had to do with recordkeeping and a public health elective that I thought sounded useful down the road.
Full Member
Apr 6, 2019, 06:00 PM
Yes my advisor said I had to take all of them to meet the university requirements. I wish I could only take a couple but I guess not.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 6, 2019, 06:26 PM
 Originally Posted by superstar18
Yes my advisor said I had to take all of them to meet the university requirements. I wish I could only take a couple but I guess not.
They're ELECTIVES, not requirements!!!! I really need to talk to your advisor!
Full Member
Apr 6, 2019, 06:35 PM
I know and I tried talking to my advisor about it but apparently it is. I emailed my advisor again to make sure. If my advisor says I have to then I guess I'll just have to be done.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 6, 2019, 06:48 PM
 Originally Posted by superstar18
I know and I tried talking to my advisor about it but apparently it is. I emailed my advisor again to make sure. If my advisor says I have to then I guess I'll just have to be done.
If I were you, I'd either take fewer classes each semester and get a job in the event-planning field, or just drop out for a while to work full time and earn money. There are no prizes given for earning a bachelor's by a certain age. And maybe you'll even change your mind about event planning. Since fourth grade, I'd wanted to be a school teacher. When I finally was one, I hated it. I later used those skills in another career.
Full Member
Apr 6, 2019, 08:44 PM
That's true. I'll probably start applying soon for jobs. That happened to my brother as well. He got a degree in education and didn't like it so now he works for a pharmacy. I just feel like I'm not going anywhere in my life. My parents always pressured me to go to college and now I feel like I'm just going to disappoint them. You're right though I can always go back and it's never too late.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 6, 2019, 08:57 PM
 Originally Posted by superstar18
That's true. I'll probably start applying soon for jobs. That happened to my brother as well. He got a degree in education and didn't like it so now he works for a pharmacy. I just feel like I'm not going anywhere in my life. My parents always pressured me to go to college and now I feel like I'm just going to disappoint them. You're right though I can always go back and it's never too late.
How old are you?
After I quit teaching, I worked in drug stores, book stores, and at a State Farm claims office. I was home for twelve years having and raising two sons, meanwhile volunteering. I went back to work, teaching preschool part time and shelving library materials at the public library across the street from the school. For the next 25 years I worked at libraries and got a master's to be a counselor, which I did in the evenings and on weekends. Life is what you make it. And can be fun and exciting!
Full Member
Apr 6, 2019, 09:59 PM
I'm 26 right now and I work full time at a school. I'm glad that you went back pursued what you wanted to do. I'm stuck and not sure exactly if I'm going in the right direction. I'm better at doing online classes because it is self paced most of the time.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Apr 7, 2019, 09:25 AM
 Originally Posted by superstar18
I'm 26 right now and I work full time at a school. I'm glad that you went back pursued what you wanted to do. I'm stuck and not sure exactly if I'm going in the right direction. I'm better at doing online classes because it is self paced most of the time.
If I could live my life over again, knowing what I know now....
Taking online classes allows you to fit them into your schedule a lot easier and more efficiently than having to drive to a campus, sit in a classroom or two or three, then drive home. I didn't figure out what I was good at and really enjoyed doing until I was almost forty. Just take it day by day. You'll figure it out!
Full Member
Apr 7, 2019, 09:18 PM
Well thank you for the advice it actually made me feel better. I made my decision and will probably transfer to an online college. I think I will benefit from it and it will help while I'm working so I won't have to take off work. It's just going to be hard explaining it to my family.
Apr 8, 2019, 02:23 AM
Good decision, just make sure you have any transcript and certifications from all completed course work. Do you live at home? Be honest with your parents but understand They are who they are. Takes a while for them to adjust to the decision and choices their kids make independent of their advice and opinions.
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