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Windows xp pro- blue screen of death
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Hello, had to join after I asked a friend on this issue. ( And I thought XP was immune from this.) It say's: On Blue Screen; Stop: C0000218 {Registry File Failure} The Registry cannot Load the Hive File:\SystemRoot\System32\Config\Software Or it's log or alternative. It is...
Please help... Blue screen of death!
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Yes, I have had the blue screen of death for a few months now. I have tried numerous stupid things but they don't seem to work It hadn't happened for a few weeks until today, it happened again. I have the error reports for it if that helps. Is there anyting I can do?
Having a problem moving my address bar from bottom of screen to top of screen
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Hello everyone, I can't seem to bring up an address bar at the top of the screen because when I right click at the top of the page, the options are not lit up. I could only bring up an address bar at the bottom. Since it gets in the way at the bottom, I would like to know if anyone can help me...
Blue screen of death
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got a friend with this problem any ideas to resolve it ERROR 0x00000024 NTFS.SYS and it says... check the disk with CHDSK /F to repair the problem... but I can't because I can't access to anything to do a CHKDSK... :) View more questions Search