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How do I fix my 24 foot round pool that is out if round on opposite sides
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My pool is 24 ft round,but is now 24 from side to side,but on other end to end is 2-3 inches wider. Outing allot of stress on liner,and has torn it. Do I need to pull apart wall and fix frame? I've cut foam and added to deeper parts of wall,still seems it may need more adjustments?
How can I get medal from
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Because I wondering to know.
Can I replace swim pool botom rail from 24 ft round with 21 ft round pool rails?
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I have a 24 ft round pool & bottom rails R rusted through , Can I use the bottom rails from a 21 ft round pool to replace the bad ones ? Thanks
I want to fill brass between iron slot to joint the brass and iron
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I want to make magchuck ring so I make few slots in iron ring od and want to fill these slots with brass and then I remove the balance iron remain in id then there will be joints of iron and brass as ring.
Looking for the history of a Medal
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I have been given a medal by a friend who says he foud it 25 years ago , the medal bears the words ASLYUM GENETIS BATAVORUM STAD TIEL with a scene of a town ,which I now know to be the town of Tiel in holland ,on one side and the words Awarded by the municipal council of Tiel , plus the Tiel coat... View more questions Search