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A Santini figurine value
[ 0 Answers ]
Approx 18" high signed Santini on front bottom of skirt with 123 over crown over "N" on tail of skirt with brass name plate on front of mahogany base with sticker on bottom classic figurine sculptor Santini made in Italy girl with whippet on leash named "Erica"
Corday figurine #5044
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What is the value and when was it made? Pam
Corday figurine expert
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I have a 5.5" Corday engraved figurine, with the nos. 3009 also engraved. My question is about the painted nos. on her. I've seen another like her but the nos. are not like hers. She is a small bust with a pink and blue bonnet and a lace shawl, the nos. are E013 and 36. The other figurine's...
Figurine ?
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I have several different figurines made of this material, not sure if they are brass or metal, can anyone tell me , and if they have any value to them? thanks, angie
Lefton, bird figurine
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What is the value of a Lefton bird figurine with branches and flowers. Marked , Waxwing, Lefton, Hand painted. View more questions Search