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[ 2 Answers ]
Hi , I havw a national SMCO treadle sewing machine. On the machine it says ' IMPROVED SEAMSTRESS. . All original and good shape . Working condition. Was wondering what it worth approx. History , My grand mother had it.. 1920?thanks Al
Need help to suggest a price for a National Sewing Machine Co model RBR.
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Our Pastor donated the sewing machine in its' table case and we have no idea what to sell it for. I really don't want to put it in the rummage sale for "$20"! It is in good condition and works fine... any suggestions whatsoever?
National sewing machine model rbr serial number 215302746
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I have a National Sewing machine in its original Travel case, serial number 215302746. Could someone tell me what the estimated value.
White Rotary Sewing Machine Model # FR 3113766 What year is this machine?
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I have a White Rotary Sewing Machine Model # FR 3113766. I would like to know the year. It has the original book and all the attachments. It has a small motor and a light.
NSMCO sewing machine model RBR
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I have just been given my grandmothers sewing machine. I think it was made by national sewing machine company. I have not been able to find a serial number, the model is RBR and on the front of the machine it says International Rotary. The machine is in a cabinet for which the front opens and... View more questions Search