New Member
Jun 25, 2016, 05:26 PM
How much is vintage stratton wedgwood brass london england dual side pill box worth
I want to know how much my VINTAGE STRATTON WEDGWOOD BRASS LONDON ENGLAND DUAL SIDE PILL BOX is worth today how much will I get for pill box if I were to get it appraise I know the gold part is made of brass and I don't know what the inside of the pill box is made of the inside of the pill box is white on the top of the inside of the pill box it has two white circle on each side and the bottom inside of the pill box it has 3 circle on each side. Is the inside made of porcelain ? And what year was the pill box made in I am guessing about early 1900 century but I really don't know and on the back it say Stratton made in England
Uber Member
Jun 26, 2016, 06:31 AM
Check Ebay
Pets Expert
Jun 26, 2016, 02:55 PM
Without seeing the piece, examining it, and then knowing the history, we can't even begin to guess. Not all appraisers will be accurate either. You will need to find someone familiar with this item, and the history and all the possible manufacturers in order to get the info you're looking for.
You really won't find a lot of accurate info online.
Just did a Google search for the exact description of what you posted. Found one on eBay for under $50US and that was the most expensive one. The rest were mostly under $20US.
New Member
Jul 23, 2016, 04:57 PM
How much is vintage stratton wedgwood brass london england dual side pill box worth
I want to know how much my VINTAGE STRATTON WEDGWOOD BRASS LONDON ENGLAND DUAL SIDE PILL BOX is worth today how much will I get for pill box if I were to get it appraise I know the gold part is made of brass and I don't know what the inside of the pill box is made of the inside of the pill box is white on the top of the inside of the pill box it has two white circle on each side and the bottom inside of the pill box it has 3 circle on each side. Is the inside made of porcelain ? And what year was the pill box made in I am guessing about early 1900 century but I really don't know and on the back it say Stratton made in England
Uber Member
Jul 23, 2016, 06:43 PM
Why post the same thing again? You were given resources. "I know the gold part is made of brass" Well then it's not a Gold part, it's a brass part.
Jul 24, 2016, 02:15 AM
Your pill box, as it appears in the pic, is cracked therefore rendering it worthless. Antique pieces must be in mint condition to be of value.
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