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Home Workshop
[ 1 Answers ]
I am setting up a small home workshop and I would like some advice on whether to use 3 phase or single phase supply. I have a lathe, milling machine and a pillar drill which are all 3 phase. I can either use an inverter from the existing single phase or have 3 phase connected (both about the same...
Two wheeler workshop setup
[ 1 Answers ]
Respected Sir, *** guide me through the process, as I am interested to staring up a two wheeler service station.
Workshop/Garage GFCI
[ 4 Answers ]
What does it say in the code book about GFCI in a workshop. I plan on running 3 circuits for plugs. 1 down each side wall and one across the back wall. Do I need 3 GFCI, 1 on each run? How exactly does that play out with the code. Also, are they they be connected at the start of the run OR in...
Adding a Workshop
[ 4 Answers ]
I am wanting to add a 40'x60' workshop on my property (36.5 acres in East Texas). I already have two meters at opposite ends of the property and will add a third meter for the workshop and a future home site for retirement. I am going to have the pole placed near the home site about 100' inside... View more questions Search