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    derwon25's Avatar
    derwon25 Posts: 33, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Apr 19, 2016, 06:11 AM
    Not Getting The Role I Was Hired For
    I was hired in an IT MNC as a Business Analyst in an IT MNC after my MBA, I joined the company in June 2015. Initially, I was new to the company also it was my first job like most of my counter-parts so initially I didn't figure it out also I was trying to develop a better understanding of the industry. But now, its been almost an year and the kind of role that they are giving me is in no way near to the role I was offered. I am doing role of cordination of all the activities such as sending the info required, procuring info or arranging meetings or cordinating events/activities and that's it. I believe my MBA is of no use here, its all in vain. I mean what's the use of studying so much, then being hired for a role of Business Analyst and ending up doing nothing by cordinating between people who do actual analysis or development. This is a feeling that so bad that it has stated to hit me badly and has started to take a toll on me. I don't know what to do? Shall I discuss it with my manager, that's another problem due to my previous manager being arrogant and loud I applied for getting my manager change however my new manager is not based in the country in which I am working so its really tough to reach or contact him. My life has become pathetic, my heart it seems is sinking and I'm drowning it seems. I also tried to apply for jobs change online, but its not happening for me. Online job offers are offering even below what I'm earning now and I don't have referrals so can't apply otherwise. I'm tired to prove myself in the work that is given to me, that I am hardworking and capable please give me work that I was hired for. No one cares and nobody listens. Many others have the same story as mine but don't know how they are handling it.

    Each morning, I don't feel like to get up and go to work. As it is there is no one here in my team, my entire team is situated at different locations and I am stuck here alone. Which is good in a way but sad my many other ways. I am not able to justify the kind of work I'm doing and live with it.

    I'm a very ambitious person, I want to work and make a real contribution with my work. Ignited by lack of motivating environment and challenging work I have decided to work upon my idea to start something of my own in event management space. It was on my mind already just that due to these circumstances it is now becoming a necessity.

    I need some expert advice here. Please be the voice of my soul and tell me that I am doing right :( even if it is for my satisfaction. Maybe I need to hear it from you.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Apr 19, 2016, 07:23 AM
    First and foremost remember this.

    Your schooling provided you with base to build from. Its not the beat all, end all thing.

    You have been working less than one year... that's very, very little time. You have more to learn than you can imagine right now. You usually do what your employer needs you to do. Its not always what you want to do or went to school to do.

    What it does do is broaden your experience and show you are a team player... years from now you will see the benefit of all of this.

    Also as a new hire... you ARE going to be stuck doing the more menial tasks others don't want to do. That's called paying your dues. After you have been around for 10-20 years or more... you will be the one that gets to pick more.

    Very little of what I do needs the Engineering Degree I have. But over the last 35 years it did give me a broader base and a unique perspective others I work with can not have or learn. And that has value, in ways you do not yet understand.

    If all you ever do for decades is one single are not going to be valuable to other employers and you won't have a broad experience base that would make you easier to hire. Because odds are anyplace you will be doing something different than you did at the last place you worked. The more you know how to do and have experience doing, the more value you have as an employee and the more value you have to other employers.

    Because any job you apply for you will be competing with dozens if not hundreds or thousands of others...You have to be better than they are, and in the business world..that also means knowing how to do more as well.

    When I got my job at my current employer...I was one out of 2,000 applicants that made it through the initial screening. And the only one my current position...I didn't apply for an opening that existed. My proven abilities known to others, made the position become available.

    So...keep working....stop will always have to do stuff you don't like or want to do....its a job...not a vacation.

    Work to be the best at doing what you do...and any other duties you get in the future. There are rewards down the road for having the correct mindset. At less than a year out of school...your value to the company is minimal...but that will grow over time. You will see my point after you have been working a number of years...and see new hires come in knowing almost nothing.
    derwon25's Avatar
    derwon25 Posts: 33, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Jan 31, 2017, 05:32 AM
    Its almost another year now, and my feelings still not changed much :P hehe... but yeah I'm trying to fig out what makes me happy and will do that.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Jan 31, 2017, 05:51 AM
    Do you expect to be the CEO only after a year? You are still the low man on the totem pole with minimal experience. You have to work your way to the top and that takes many years.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jan 31, 2017, 06:03 AM
    You should be grateful for the opportunity you have been given to gain experience and knowledge at a good pay rate. If you want happiness and fulfillment, then build a life that you enjoy outside of work with friends, family, and activities you love. It's up to you to deal with your feelings, not your job or career, especially after just one year?

    It generally takes YEARS to advance to a meaningful status in one's career! You have seen what your options are and changing jobs is not a good one, so how is your social life outside of work? Be real guy, a year or two is nothing at the beginning of your journey through life!

    Sorry you just won't have it all so work on your patience.hi

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