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Can I get hired with a First Offender
[ 4 Answers ]
Hello: Can you please provide me with your experience with applicant's who have a First Offender discharge being hired, i.e. passing a Back Ground check? I completed a First Offender felony ID Theft (wrote a check on my boyfriends account). I have everything to get it to discharged (completed...
Will I get hired?
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I'm 15 and I committed Theft Under 5000 in Walmart on September last year. I'm done with alternative measures and court meetings on March this year. I was wondering if stores like Zellers, Sears or whatever kind of retail stores will hire me? Will the employers be able to see my record? Or should I...
Am I hired
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I had two interviews with prospective company. I signed an offer letter and W/9 pending background and drug screen. I took my drug screen and I know all will be good. Problem is background check will show a DUI in 5/09 and 02/10. On put that information on the application the same day I signed...
Why should I be hired?
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Sir, I am appearing for an interview for the first time in WIPRO BPO. What shall I answer when they ask why shall we hire you? View more questions Search