New Member
May 26, 2017, 02:59 AM
Biometric intake * Vetting intake
Can anybody tell me the definitions & purposes (if it's not a bothersome to explain in details, please) of some tests called "Biometric & Vetting intakes" when you're asked to do them?
Also, if there are any kind of deferences between the tow of them?
In advance, Thank you.
Uber Member
May 26, 2017, 07:23 AM
Sets a basis profile for possible future encounters with police. DNA is one marker.
May 26, 2017, 08:02 AM
Biometric intake are actually CLINICAL testing done by laboratories for identification purposes, while vetting intakes are done by experts via interviews, for a behavior/psychological profile.
In the criminal justice system both are used to identify and manage prisoners. Who ask you to take your test?
New Member
May 26, 2017, 10:08 AM
Many thanks for answering in such a short notice, I was asked by international organisation related to diplomatic vacancy within this department.
Should I be worried from them both or from one more than the other? You sounded serious in your question, so I got spooked out :P
Is this a positive sign in getting hired? As this is the most recent step from them from a long stressfull loop of interviews & oral/written tests till today (2-3 months till now :( ).
Thanks again for explaining
Hmmm I see thanks for explaining :)
May 26, 2017, 10:55 AM
Diplomatic (RE:GOVERNMENT) is VERY stringent,and thorough... don't be spooked. Vetting to some degree is an important part of any organization.
See it as a background check.
New Member
May 26, 2017, 12:53 PM
Your answers just made my day so far, since I've been googling it since morning and saw so many hot/cold answers (non related to the question itself) as everyone is explaining from a personal openion or his thoughts.
But yours were strightforward and to the point, have you done them before or you have a rich general knowledge on it, in all ways you're my ensyclopedia from now on...
Tomorrow is the big day, will go take them at 8:00 am. I'll be updating you with wherever I'll go through to evaluate the outcome together "if i'll get chickened out and mess things up, too ;)".
Wish me luck :)
New Member
May 26, 2017, 01:01 PM
P.S: they already did me a background check as they sent me some applications/forms and gave me 1 week max to fill out, sign them a d resend it back via email too,, I was done within 2-3 days.
Then, they said they will get back to me after about 1 month max if they found my statements in them positive or negative to guide me for my next step which is biometric/medical tests instructions, but after 11 days they said to bring a hard copy of the applications I already sent plus, my original identifications to do biometric/vetting intake appointment tomorrow 27/05 at 8:00 am.
My question is if they already have the applications and they already checked them, why asking me again for a hard copy?
May 26, 2017, 01:29 PM
Thanks for the kind word. Banks, governments, and insurance companies are KNOWN to be very strict when hiring people and have a strict PROCESS for bringing in new people. Instead of seeing ghosts (I know, a bit scary, and can be unnerving when it's new), just keep it simple, and follow directions, and good luck.
New Member
May 26, 2017, 02:06 PM
You are most welcomed, ill be as a parrot..
Thanks for your generousity
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