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Bids for new construction
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I don't know what the going rate per square foot in the dallas area. How can I find out. It is commercial property.
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HI UM TODAY I'M DOING A RESEARCH on Iphone4's they are just upgraded Iphones and a lot of heavier and so what's the point and the person who out bids money on this iPhone the first one and it works so the bid is outdone on August 1st 2011 and so also when you enter the amount of money give...
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How much to bid on a doc office w/three restrooms w/tile floor,lunchroom w/carpet, lobby with tile floor, front office with carpet, five examing rooms w/carpet,managers office with two desk w/carpet,doctors office with wet bar, throw rug, wall to wall carpet desk, confrence table.
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I have been painting for the past 7 years for other contractors, and am currently in the process of establishing my own painting company. I have a general understanding of how to make square foot bids, but one thing I'm unclear on. When making a square foot bid on a job, whether it's exterior, or... View more questions Search