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Very Very Vague Description of 80's Children Movie... Need movie title
[ 8 Answers ]
Ok there's probably no hope here but I'll try anyway... There is a movie I watched when I was very young and would like to get a hold of it. It was in the mid 80's when I watched it but the movie could have been made in the 70's sometime. Pretty much the only part I can remember is these...
Need 80's movie title
[ 3 Answers ]
I need a title but this is all I can remember: There is this scene where some guy is robbing a horse drawn carriage (carrying gold I think) in the old west, but he is using a gun that is from the future. I think he travels back and forth between the past and present and someone is trying to...
Need 80's Movie Title Please Help
[ 3 Answers ]
This fantasy movie is about some kids who keep hearing a noise from the bottom of a quarry. I think it is a metal dragon or monster. That's all I can tell you. Soory. Would be very happy if someone knew the title, and also very impressed!
Title of an 80's sci-fi movie
[ 4 Answers ]
Trying to remember the title of a sci-fi movie where a man finds an alien weapon in a desert that whenever he placed it in his hands, he turns to a 'monster'. I also remembers that the aliens tries to look for this lost weapon.
I need an 80's movie title please help
[ 1 Answers ]
The movie was about 2 kids that befriend the ghost of a little girl how haunts a mausleum, and he antagonist of the movie is trying to get to diamonds that he thinks are hidden in the cemetery which turn out to hidden inside the ghost girls dolls porcelain head. Any help ould be a great help... View more questions Search