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Plumbing; additional water heater vs instant electric heater
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I'm having a jacuzzi walk-in tub installed for my disabled wife. It holds 80 gallons empty and somewhat less with a person in it. I was told I would need another water heater (one 40 gal. gas is installed) to accommodate the hot water needs for the tub. The contractor suggested a 50 high...
Does the number of BTUs required to cool a room vary between cooling methods?
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Does the number of BTUs required to cool a room vary between cooling methods? For instance, should a central HVAC system provide more or less BTUs than a window or wall unit? The reason I ask is that a HVAC vendor is claiming the BTUs required to cool a room is twice that of wall unit...
I have an all electric home and want to replace electric hot water heater with electr
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We have a total electric home and want to replace the old water heater with an electric tankless whole house hot water heater. Gas is not available where we are. Is it practical?
H1b application documents required
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Hi I am about to file my H1B for this year. I have a minor spelling mistake in my Higher Secondary school marksheet. Actual Spelling - Prathibha Spelling in the Higher Secondary Marksheet - Prathiba ('h' is missing) All my other documents (passport, degree certificates, H4 visa etc) have... View more questions Search