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Parents 25th anniversary
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Well in July my parents will have been married for 25 years. And I was thinking of organizing a huge party. I have most of it figured out, were going to rent a hall, and since I don't have a whole lot of money it will be a potluck supper(everyone brings a dish). Also a few of my cousins(I haven't...
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A dream I had last night. (25th of feb 2008)
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OK, in this dream, I am walking down the street and I am with some of my friends, we keep walking until we get to a city with tall sky-scrapers and as I look up there is the metor crashing to earth. I heard screams and I felt the pushing of other pepole on my body and the fear was there as well and...
Christmas on 25th?
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Do all the denominations in Christianity celebrate 25th Dec as Christmas?Or has there been a change of date any where in history by Christians,specifically because of the reason you mention as the date being a pagan tradition? Thanks. EDIT::::::::I had asked this on another thread on... View more questions Search