New Member
Apr 26, 2009, 08:08 AM
How to prepare a balance sheet referring a trial balance
How to prepare a balance sheet from a trial balance ? Can anybody help me by giving
An example
Ultra Member
May 31, 2009, 04:50 AM
You give me a trial balance and I shall convert it for you to a:-
1) Profit & Loss Account , and
2) A Balance Sheet.
Make sure it is NOT homework.
We are not allowed to do your homework.
New Member
Sep 1, 2009, 08:27 AM
year ending 31st dec 1996 for Sri Goyal
sales 370000
purchases 346000
wages 10450
capital 34250
national insurance 150
carriage inward 200
carriage outward 250
lighting 300
rates and insurance(including premium of Rs 150 p.a. uptp 30th June 1997) 200
stock at 31.12.1996 30625
cash in hand and bank 875
discount earned 300
plant and machinery 15000
discount allowed 50
debitors 3000
creditors 10000
furnitures 4000
dividends received 150
1) National Insurance also inclues employee contribution of rupees 75. Wages are shown 'net' after deducting ation insurance contribution borne by employees.
2) Owing to nature of employement, some employes are housed in the building of busineess. The rental value of such portion is accessed at rs. 250 p.a. The benefit to employee treated as wages and rental as income for Sri Goyal.
3) Depreciate plant and machinery at 15% p.a and furniture at 10% p.a.
4) Goods worth Rs 2000 given by Sri Goyal to his son at cost.
5) The manager is entitled to a commission of 20% of the net profits after charging his commission. (The calculation may be made nearest to a multipl of a rupees)
Ultra Member
Sep 18, 2010, 04:53 AM
1) I did say a trial balance.
2) this is an exercise that contains adjustments.
3) you need to do the adjustments.
4) you can then prepare a trial balance after the adjustments.
5) try to use a chart of accounts, this will help idntify the accounts,
If at all possible.
6) Make sure the trial balance, balances.
7) clearly indicate what are the debits and the credits.
8) submit it here and I shall endeveavour to help you convert it to a profit and loss and a balance sheet.
Ultra Member
Sep 18, 2010, 04:57 AM
Try and do what I asked kasfi to do.
Ultra Member
Sep 18, 2010, 02:46 PM
A balance sheet is done after an adjusted trial balance, not a trial balance.
From a trial balance you do adjusting entries, then you prepare an adjusted trial balance, finally an Income Statement and a Balance Sheet can be prepared.
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