New Member
May 19, 2014, 04:46 PM
Why are Vegans so self centered
Why is it that questioning the self centered nature of vegans gets such angry answers? If vegans spent half their time ending all the evils on this earth they would be okay. But no they walk around in questionable mental health looking as sick as ghosts and weep and moan about animals when a woman is raped every sixty seconds! So why do vegans want to distract people from real issues?
Pest Control Expert
May 19, 2014, 04:59 PM
Nutrition IS a real issue. I disagree with the Vegan conclusions about it, but they are walking the walk (LOL, while they can). Lack of manners and intolerance of other viewpoints is another issue; one most of them(and it seems like you) would benefit by addressing in their day to day lives. Some Vegans are nice people.
Uber Member
May 19, 2014, 05:09 PM
Its hunger... If I didn't get any meat... I'd be an angry person too.
Pest Control Expert
May 19, 2014, 05:11 PM
According to the biologists, I personally am designed to derive sustenance from plant AND animal tissue. Until somebody figures out the photosynthesis thing, I will continue to do so.
Entomology Expert
May 19, 2014, 05:15 PM
That's a pretty broad statement though, don't you think? All vegans are self centered? Where is your proof to this?
In your other thread you talk about cults and government agencies using vegan diets as a mind control and torture method....is there something we aren't seeing here?
Uber Member
May 19, 2014, 05:20 PM
Alan... have you had some run-ins with some people who happen to be vegans?
Ultra Member
May 19, 2014, 07:13 PM
Being vegan is just a dietary choice. I wouldn't want to be one, but often the motivation is compassion for animals. I don't see that as selfish. Your conclusions make no sense. Do you think not being vegan helps rape vctims?
I hear these arguments a lot. Like when asked to donate a dollar at a pet store to help animal shelters, a lady in line replied "I think it is more important to feed hungry kids". I felt like asking her, "Oh is that what you are planning to do with that dollar?" Usually when people criticize a well meaning act by claiming it is not as important as a different one , the critic isn't dong either.
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