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Trying to recall a snack I ate as a kid
[ 0 Answers ]
I used to love these cracker type snacks as a kid and I can't remember what they're called. They came in a blue box kind of a ritz bitz box and came in different flavors. Ranch, Sour Cream and onion (my favorite), plain, and maybe others. They were kind of oddly shaped. That's all I remember but if...
Quick Midnight Snack
[ 2 Answers ]
Im looking for a quick midnight snack, that will fill me up but doesn't take long to make and is easy (because I'm a horrible cook!) Any Suggestions?
Late night snack: what's your favorite?
[ 41 Answers ]
I don't know about you but I like my midnight snack. I'm sure there are more of you out there that love it too! I just finished eating celery with some peanut butter- yum yum! ...
Any good dip or snack recipes
[ 3 Answers ]
Hi all, I am having friends over for the labor day weekend and I am bored with the same ole dip and snack recipes. Does anyone have any great recipes that they like? I would love to swap some if anyone is intereted.
Midnight snack?
[ 5 Answers ]
Is midnight snacking really as bad as they say it is? I love my midnight snacks, and I try to keep them as healthy as possible but could it cause my 95 lbs (no worries I'm only five feet tall) go all the way up to 120? Or such and such and so and so etc. View more questions Search