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QE on steroids
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We have been told here that the problem with the pump priming exercise we have engaged in for some time now has not been as effective as it could be because we did not go all out . We are about to watch that theory come under test as the Bank of Japan embarks on a QE exercise that the Fed can...
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If I were to take one stack or bottle of steroids (Anadrol 50) to get the gains that it provides in lifting and body looks which usually takes 4 to 6 weeks I've read. Would I keep those gains when the bottle ran out and I stopped taking it? Just having trouble putting on weight and muscle... after...
Use of steroids
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Hey there guys... wanted to ask what kind of anabolic suppliments should I prefer (as a beginner ). For getting my muscles tight and for proper cutting... I am 5'6 59 kgs mma student... thanks in advance
I need help.. Steroids?
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I recently found out my boyfriend does steroids a few months ago, (we had been dating for about 4 months) I suspected it. We have been dating about 7 months now. I am moving away soon and he always told me he would do everything to make us work, I'm only moving a few hours away. But now he is...
Steroids use
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How you doing listen Im going to be frank I don't like beating around the bush . I got a bottle of "test" "prop" I left it out of room temp . Not in the freezeing cold anyway tha oil based steriod got cloudy.. Can I still use an expect full potencey View more questions Search