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    rhouse30's Avatar
    rhouse30 Posts: 306, Reputation: 1
    Full Member

    Feb 27, 2016, 07:27 AM
    Oatmeal and Barley Are They Healthy Or Not
    I get mixed reviews on whether oatmeal and barley healthy for eatting.

    I am not a celiac.

    In your opinion is it healthy to eat these foods or better to stay away from them.

    Any tips will be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Feb 27, 2016, 10:16 AM
    Yes, they are healthy. Like any healthy food, there is nothing magic or curative about one food. They are best eaten unprocessed, but I eat oatmeal that is the 5 minute kind rather than the soak overnight and cook for an hour kind, or the 1 minute kind. Barley is sweetish so goes nicely with other grains. I tend to eat a lot more rice than either oats or barley, but that's just me.

    Like any healthy food, they are best when eaten as part of a wide and varied diet. THERE ARE NO MAGIC BULLETS.

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