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Can Monster energy drink cause a false positive for marijuana?
[ 1 Answers ]
I do not smoke marijuana and tested positive. I drank an Monster energy drink before the test. Could that do it? I have lost my job and they won't test another sample. I have done 4 home tests since that came back negative
Monster energy drink
[ 5 Answers ]
I took a drug urine test and just before the test I drunk an monster energy drink and the came back as methanphinemes and the question is can the drink actually cause the test to read that if I have never done that before
Can a monster energy drink cause you to fail a breathalyzer
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My friend told me he drank 3 monster energy drinks and it made him fail his breathalizer. Wondering if he's full of crap or could it really be true?
5 hour energy drink
[ 5 Answers ]
Hello, I was wondering, around 6 pm I took half of a 5 hour energy drink shot, I didn't feel any energy, I completely forgot I took it, I drank a can of coca cola around 730, is that unhealthy? my hands are really red around my knuckles but its also freezing so I don't know if its from that. View more questions Search