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Hungry but feel sick when eating
[ 1 Answers ]
For a few months now I've been constantly hungry to the point where I feel sick and dizzy, but as soon as I smell food or put some food in my mouth I feel like I'm going to throw up, I eat enough to take the sickness away but not my hunger because I can't stomach it, meaning I'm in a vicious...
I'm hungry but when I eat I feel sick
[ 14 Answers ]
Before you begin to try and answer my case please note that I am not sexually active so that eliminates a pregnancy. I am not taking birth control nor any other medicine. Just yesterday I began to notice it when my dad made thus delicious fish that I love to eat because he only makes it on special...
Really hungry all the time but feel sick when I eat
[ 3 Answers ]
I'm a 17 year old female weighing 8.5 stone and I'm 5 foot 5 inches so I would think of myself as a healthy weight however I am having a lot of problems with my appetite. For long periods I will feel really full and sickened by the thought of food and then within seconds go from being really full...
I feel extremely hungry but all of a sudden I can't eat more than three bites?
[ 1 Answers ]
Ok, I am a man of about 230lbs, I am normally able to eat two platefuls of food, but two weeks ago I had an intense migraine along with full body pain. I literally ached so much I almost couldn't move for a whole day, and ever since that day I've been feeling lightheaded(as in permanently) and when...
I'm hungry but whenever I eat I feel sick
[ 0 Answers ]
It started two days ago. I woke up in the morning and I was really hungry, so I ate fine but then all day I felt starving, which isn't normal for me because I'm not a very hungry person. I ate some yogurt and that went down okay but when it came time for dinner I was shaking and starving. I tried... View more questions Search