Junior Member
Oct 8, 2013, 03:27 AM
How to control obesity
This is about my friend. She bore a male child one and half year ago and it was after ceasarian operation. Afterwards, she became a little obese, even as she was slim earlier and now she is getting fat.
When consulted, the doctor said that the fat will go down after she leaves breastfeeding. She has left it yesterday and now - will her obesity get down? Or, what should she do to get rid of her fat? Any other method? Any operation or anything else?
Suggest please.
Adult Sexuality Expert
Oct 8, 2013, 06:55 AM
There are plastic surgeries that will help. That is drastic.
Proper diet and exercise will help weight loss. I know that seems like a cop out answer but that is what weight loss boils down to. Basically it is knowing what goes into your body, in terms of energy and nutrients, and knowing what is going out of the body, in energy expenditure. Make sure the body doesn't think it's starving but making sure that the energy output is higher then the input. It will take time, but it will work.
Why is this an issue for you? This would be more on her then you? Maybe she's comfortable with her current weight.
Junior Member
Oct 9, 2013, 09:30 AM
No, she is not comfortable with it, and that is why she asks me to ask someone how to reduce the weight. She takes normal diet and you have also not told if after leaving breastfeeding, her weight will lose or not. Which exercise should she do? She walks briskly for about 2 kms daily morning and same in afternoon while going to work/job. Please suggest some 'more' concrete ways.
Thanks for reply.
Oct 9, 2013, 10:13 AM
Age has a lot to do with ability to lose weight after breast feeding. She has to be patient. If she is walking and reducing calories, and she is consistent, it will happen. Everyone has a different metabolism.
Craven didn't actually offer a cop out answer. He offered good information. We can't be more concrete then that because we don't know this person.
Adult Sexuality Expert
Oct 9, 2013, 10:19 AM
It honestly depends on the woman. As an example say that a normal woman needs 2000cal (A number I pulled out of nowhere and shouldn't be taken as an actual recommended caloric intact) per day for normal body maintiance. A breast feeding woman will need 2500Cal. The extra for fat for the production of milk. The body will know that it will need this extra so it will cause itself to consume it. IE, she'll eat more because that is what your body is telling her to do.
Now that she's weaning her child the body is slowly ramping down to a more normal intake.
If she's got a good and healthy diet she might want to ensure that she's not over eating. As for exercise, walking 4km is a good start but she might want to, if possible, hit a gym soon. If that isn't possible then maybe start jogging home from work and maybe a little further.
The things to remember here are:
1). Don't over OR under eat. Over eating will put on extra fat, but so will undereating. If you're not eating enough then your body will take anything beyond simple body maintience and pack it away. It is a weird concept but your body, when under eating, is in starvation mode so it is going to skrimp and save EVERY bit of energy it can.
2). Exercise, but ease into it. You need to use the energy your eating. It can be discouraging especially the mental aspect of it. Tune that out and do anything. Walking and running aren't bad, and they're cheap. At a gym with a personal trainer you can be given more of a direction but that is more costly.
A lot of this revolves around her life style and her circumstances.
Junior Member
Oct 9, 2013, 10:55 AM
O so much thanks
And, when she asks how much %age are chances she will lose weight if she
1. has left breastfeeding
2. walks daily 2km @9 am and 2km @ 3pm
3. eats moderate food
And in how much time,
Does sex also reduces weight? (As there is great exercise when we do it)
Adult Sexuality Expert
Oct 9, 2013, 02:22 PM
Sex will help. Not much, but it will.
It will take a while, the best way to lose weight is gradually. If you go too fast your body will start to think that food is getting scarce or something like that. Then it will reverse the weight loss.
That sounds like a good regieme. Track the weight change on a week to week basis loosely. Adjust as needed. It will come in time.
Adult Sexuality Expert
Jan 16, 2014, 07:52 AM
I agree with all that but the hunger suppressants. Those can be dangerous if not used correctly or the user doesn't have an understanding of what to do. It could cause her to eat less than is required and become deficient in nutrients and vitamins. I would be VERY hesitant to recommend those without consulting a medical professional.
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