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Avocado ripen unevenly
[ 2 Answers ]
I have choquett avocados. They ripen at the crown turning brown and mushy. Before the rest of the avocado. My wife tells me I'm bringing them down too early In October. Presently you just have to cut away the mushy part, the rest of the avocado Is OK.
Avocado ripen unevenly
[ 1 Answers ]
25834 Lulu avocados are falling off my tree. But they are ripening at the top While the rest of the avocado is still hard. Tried putting them in brown paper Bags. Next to bananas . But nothing works. Half of the avocado is mushy while The rest is hard. Any ideas. Oct-Nov is the harvest...
Avocado Pollination
[ 1 Answers ]
I understand that one needs a Type "A" and a Type "B" avocado in order to crosspollinate each toher. Also, they have to flower at about the same time. There are early and late flowring varieties. Is there a list of T`ypes, so I can check what I have? I have Avocado 'Russell' Avocado 'Lula'... View more questions Search