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[ 8 Answers ]
OK so if you don't eat for lets say a week how much does thar effect your body?Will you get any skinnier?With you working out everyday too.Also what damage would it do to you?Or if you only eat about 300 calories a day and still work out everyday.So if you did this for about a month how much would...
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I'm 29 mum of 2. for the past few weks I have had no appetite thus I don't eat. Its becoming a real problem. I am 169cm and weigh 42.4kg. I don't want yo lose weight.
I can't get over my anorexia!
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I am 15 and I am very skinny for my age. Until a few months ago I ate the normal amount someone should and did lots of exercise (I ride everyday) but suddenly, I can't even remember how it happened, I thought I was fat. At that time I only weighed 42kg and my doctor said I was on the end of the...
Can't get over anorexia?
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Hi, 4 years ago I became anorexic, its hard to even remember why it happened, I just know every time I weighed myself or looked in the mirror I was fat! I was only 16 and didn't think any thing of not eating for a week and then only eating 500 kcals on some days.I didn't think it would harm my...
[ 3 Answers ]
I like a girl A lot but she thinks she is fat. She doesn't has no fat on her. She has that like tiny bit of what I would call skin around her belt line in stomach. But she does not have a belly. She has already been put in a hospital for not eating. And talks about passing out like its nothing. She... View more questions Search