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Im tired all the time (over a year) and nauseas
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I have been tired all the time for over a year now. I get plenty of sleep but after I go to work I am ready to go to bed and do nothing. I'm 30 years old. I have had problems in the past with gastritis and a suspected ulcer which I was treated for, but the symptoms returned. A friend recommended...
Always bloated and nauseas and trying to get pregnant
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My boyfriend and I have been trying to get pregnant. I stopped taking my pill in January, my cycle has been different ever since. It comes regularly but I only bleed for about a day, then spot for about 3. I am now always constantly bloated, and get nausea after every meal, and sporatically...
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Vertigo And nauseas
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This morning I had a cup of sugarless green tea after eating some food. Some minutes after I felt a heavyness come over me like I was hynpnotised. ( I was listening to a mini sample, but I'm sure it wasn't enough to take effect). I then felt really sick and cold sweatin only on my face. I was so...
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I have been feeling EXTREMLEY nauseas for about 3 days now, I haven't changed my diet and my stomach does not hurt. I am not stressed either, I am very content. I am very sensitive to certain smells, like pretzels. I have yet to actually throw up. So this morning, I took a pregnancy test and it was... View more questions Search