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EtG test 65 hours after drinking 2 24oz beer and half 12oz beer..
[ 14 Answers ]
Hello, Dr bill and everyone. I had 2 24 oz beers and half of a 12 oz bottle of beer on a Friday night I basicily drank them over a period of 8:30pm-11pm I was called in for a random EtG test at 3:30pm the following Monday, it was 65 hrs after I had my last drink. I didn't do anything to flush or...
Can non-alcoholic beer make you test positive on an ETG test?
[ 3 Answers ]
I had 1 non-alcoholic beer 96 hours before and 1 non-alcoholic beer 72 hours before an ETG alcohol test. I weigh 122lbs and am 5 ft 3 in good health. I was applying for a new job and wasn't aware that you had to pass an ETG test. I know there isn't much alcohol in these but heard it can be...
Beer EtG test
[ 2 Answers ]
Drank a sip of beer today at 5:30 I have an EtG test on Tuesday morning will I fail
Will I pass an EtG test after 16 oz of 6.5% beer
[ 3 Answers ]
I drank 16 oz of 6.5% beer on Monday night at 10 pm will I be clear for an EtG by 1 pm the next day?
EtG test, only drank one beer
[ 0 Answers ]
I drank one coors light last night around 8 pm, have to take an EtG test roughly what is now 16 hours later, what do I have to do to pass the test View more questions Search